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Create a PDF

You can use Medplum Bots to create a PDF file as an attachment.

There are always two steps:

  1. Create the PDF as a FHIR Binary resource
  2. Use the Binary resource as an attachment or content

To create PDFs, Medplum Bots use pdfmake. pdfmake uses a "Document Definition" model. You create a JSON object that defines paragraphs, styles, tables, etc. Medplum converts the document definition into a FHIR Binary resource with the PDF contents.

To learn more about pdfmake, check out the playground and examples.

FHIR Media

This bot creates a PDF as a Binary and then creates a Media with the PDF as the content.

export async function handler(medplum: MedplumClient, _event: BotEvent): Promise<any> {
// Create the PDF
const binary = await medplum.createPdf({
docDefinition: {
content: ['Hello world'],
console.log('Binary result', binary);

// Create a Media, representing an attachment
const media = await medplum.createResource({
resourceType: 'Media',
status: 'completed',
content: {
contentType: 'application/pdf',
url: 'Binary/' +,
title: 'report.pdf',
console.log('Media result', media);

Custom fonts

Medplum has prebuilt support for the following fonts:

  • Helvetica
  • Roboto
  • Avenir

You can set the default font in the pdfmake defaultStyle:

const docDefinition = {
content: { ... },
defaultStyle: {
font: 'yourFontName'

You can also use inline styles:

const docDefinition = {
content: [
// If you don't need styles, you can use a simple string to define a paragraph
'This is a standard paragraph, using default style',

// Using a { text: '...' } object lets you set styling properties
text: 'Hello world',
font: 'yourFontName',

See the pdfmake styling page for more details.

Embedded images

You can load an image by URL and embed it in the PDF.

import { BotEvent, MedplumClient } from '@medplum/core';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

export async function botHandler(medplum: MedplumClient, _event: BotEvent): Promise<any> {
// Load the image
const image = await medplum.readResource('DocumentReference', YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID);
const response = await fetch(image.content?.[0]?.attachment?.url as string);
const buffer = await response.buffer();
const imageData = `data:${response.headers.get('content-type')};base64,${buffer.toString('base64')}`;

// Create the PDF
const binary = await medplum.createPdf({
docDefinition: {
content: ['Hello world', { image: imageData }],
console.log('Binary result', binary);

// Create a Media, representing an attachment
const media = await medplum.createResource({
resourceType: 'Media',
status: 'completed',
content: {
contentType: 'application/pdf',
url: 'Binary/' +,
title: 'report.pdf',
console.log('Media result', media);
return media;

See the pdfmake images page for more details.