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Terminologies and Coded Values

Many FHIR resources use different types of coded values to unambiguously represent different concepts from healthcare and related domains. These coded values enjoy rich support in FHIR, with both a standardized data format for representing values in FHIR resources, and a rich set of operations to support their effective use.

The collection of different codes relevant to some domain, and their associated meanings, is called a code system. For example, LOINC is a code system for laboratory tests, measurements, survey answers, and other types of observable healthcare data. Code systems are often defined by large, national or international organizations; however, FHIR makes it simple to leverage the same systems for your own locally-defined code systems as well.

Representing Coded Values

A base code contains just the coded value string itself, like this one from LOINC: 8867-4. Without additional context, it might be difficult to know what this code refers to. Two different code systems might even use the same code to mean totally different things. In FHIR, plain code values are only used when the code system is unambiguous from context, like when a field value is required to be drawn from a single code system.

In most cases, FHIR uses Coding values to unambiguously represent coded values, e.g.

"system": "",
"code": "8867-4",
"display": "Heart rate"

When using coded values, it may be desirable to combine multiple different codes for the same logical concept. For example, this is often used to record equivalent codes from different code systems, or multiple related codes that together describe a more complete concept. The CodeableConcept data type is how FHIR represents this grouping, and it is the most common representation of coded values in FHIR resources, e.g.

"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "8867-4",
"display": "Heart rate"
"system": "",
"code": "364075005",
"display": "Heart rate (observable entity)"
"text": "Heart rate"

Defining and Using Code Systems

The FHIR CodeSystem resource type is used to define how a code system should be used by the FHIR server. It is the authoritative source of information about how the codes from the system are defined. As shown above in the examples, a CodeSystem is primarily identified in FHIR by its url.

"resourceType": "CodeSystem",
"url": "",
"name": "SNOMEDCT_US",
"title": "SNOMED CT, US Edition",
"status": "active",
"content": "example",
"concept": [
"code": "364075005",
"display": "Heart rate (observable entity)"
// ...

Many large, widely-used code systems have far too many codes to fit inside a single FHIR resource. To make effective use of them, we often need to define a small subset of the available codes related to some specific use case. A ValueSet resource specifies a group of codes — from one or more code systems — that relate to a common use case. These codes can be specified explicitly, or by criteria specific to the code system. Like CodeSystem resources, a ValueSet is identified primarily by its url.

"resourceType": "ValueSet",
"url": "",
"name": "vitals",
"title": "Vital Signs",
"status": "active",
"compose": {
"include": [
// Include an explicit list of codes
"system": "",
"concept": [
{ "code": "8310-5", "display": "Body temperature" },
{ "code": "8462-4", "display": "Diastolic blood pressure" },
{ "code": "8480-6", "display": "Systolic blood pressure" },
{ "code": "8867-4", "display": "Heart rate" },
{ "code": "9279-1", "display": "Respiratory rate" }
// Includes codes by their relationships or properties within the code system
"system": "",
"filter": [
"property": "concept",
"op": "descendent-of",
"value": "118227000"