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Achieving a zero-downtime Postgres major version upgrade

· 14 min read
Matt Long
Medplum Core Team

Medplum is built on Postgres. Until recently, our hosted Medplum service was using an Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS Aurora Postgres cluster running version 12.16. Since v12 is rather outdated and nearing the end of its standard support window on RDS, it was time to plan our upgrade to the newest version available on RDS, v16.4. Various methods to upgrade to a new major version on various places across the downtime vs level-of-effort continuum; we decided to upgrade our database with no downtime. This is how we did it.

Chamber Cardio - case study

· 6 min read
Andrew Dilling
Head of Product, Chamber Cardio

Chamber Cardio, a technology-enabled cardiology solution, helps enable and empower cardiologists and practices in their transition to value-based care. With our cloud-based technology platform, we offer a suite of tools designed specifically for cardiovascular care. These tools provide real-time insights, analytics and care coordination tools focused on improving outcomes for patients with chronic cardiovascular conditions.

Rad AI Omni Reporting - Case Study

· 3 min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

Medplum’s Open-Source FHIRcast Hub Enables Rad AI Omni Reporting's Interactive Measurements

Radiology is a bellwether for innovations in Healthcare IT due to the time-sensitive and data-intensive workflow. Naturally, radiology applications lead the way in adopting real-time functionality like FHIRcast, a WebSockets-based protocol that enables development of highly interactive applications.

Digital Health is an Operations Game

· 6 min read
Rahul Agarwal
Medplum Core Team

Digital health companies are at the forefront of revolutionizing patient experience by combining quality care, at lower costs, and at national scale. Typically, they target a specific healthcare niche, concentrating on top-notch execution. Their ultimate goal? To merge an exceptional patient experience with smooth operations behind the scenes.