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Local Codes

In addition to widely-used code systems like LOINC, FHIR makes it possible to define and use your own codes and terminology.

Creating a CodeSystem

The full set of available codes is defined using a CodeSystem resource, which should contain a canonical url by which to identify the code system. If the total number of codes is relatively small (on the order of hundreds, or fewer), they can be included directly within the resource. Setting CodeSystem.content to complete :

"resourceType": "CodeSystem",
"url": "",
"status": "active",
"content": "complete",
"concept": [
{ "code": "AB", "display": "Albuterol" },
{ "code": "AC", "display": "Acetominophen" },
{ "code": "AL", "display": "Alanine" },
{ "code": "AS", "display": "Aspirin" },
{ "code": "AX", "display": "Amoxicillin" },

Hierarchical Terminologies

If codes have a parent-child relationships, where one is a more specific instance of the other, this can be represented by nesting the codes in the CodeSystem definition. The type of hierarchy should be defined, with is-a being the most typical:

"resourceType": "CodeSystem",
"url": "",
"status": "active",
"hierarchyMeaning": "is-a",
"content": "complete",
"concept": [
{ "code": "AB", "display": "Antibiotics", "concept": [
{ "code": "AX", "display": "Amoxicillin" },
] },
{ "code": "AN", "display": "Analgesics", "concept": [
{ "code": "AC", "display": "Acetominophen" },
{ "code": "AS", "display": "Aspirin" },
{ "code": "AM", "display": "Amino acids", "concept": [
{ "code": "AL", "display": "Alanine" },

Defining ValueSet(s)

In order to make use of the codes, they should be combined into one or more ValueSet resources, which define useful groupings of the codes. In the simplest case, where all codes in the CodeSystem should be available, simply include the entire system:

"resourceType": "ValueSet",
"url": "",
"status": "active",
"compose": {
"include": [
{ "system": "" }

If the code system includes a hierarchy or other properties, you can use those to define subsets for specific use cases:

"resourceType": "ValueSet",
"url": "",
"status": "active",
"compose": {
"include": [
"system": "",
"filter": [
// is-a hierarchy uses the special property "concept"
"property": "concept",
"op": "is-a",
"value": "AN"

Importing Larger Systems

If the number of codes in the code system is too large to fit in a single resource, Medplum server supports a proprietary $import operation that allows Super Admin users to load codes and their metadata into the database. Although codes imported this way will not appear in the CodeSystem resource, they are available for use as normal. To use this method, create the CodeSystem as normal, but set CodeSystem.content to not-present:

"resourceType": "CodeSystem",
"url": "",
"status": "active",
"content": "not-present",

Subsequently, codes and any metadata properties associated with them can be sent in batches using the operation endpoint.