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useSubscription Hook

useSubscription creates an in-memory Subscription resource on the Medplum server with the given criteria and calls the given callback when an event notification is triggered.

Subscriptions created with this hook are lightweight, share a single WebSocket connection per instance of MedplumClient, and are automatically untracked and cleaned up when the containing component is no longer mounted.

Use Cases

The useSubscription hook is a powerful tool for creating applications that require the client to wait for events asynchronously from the server.

Some examples include:

  • Live chat
  • Notification badges for tasks
  • Realtime analytics dashboards

The hook makes it extremely simple to listen for resource interactions that satisfy a specified criteria and act on them reactively, rather than having to poll via expensive search requests on a timer.


The useSubscription hook takes a FHIR search criteria and a callback function to call when a resource interaction that satisfies the Subscription occurs.

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const [notificationCount, setNotificationCount] = useState(0);

useSubscription('Communication?sender=Practitioner/abc-123&recipient=Practitioner/me-456', (bundle: Bundle) => {
console.log('Received a message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
handleNotificationBundle(bundle); // Do something with the bundle
setNotificationCount((s) => s + 1);

return <div>Notifications received: {notificationCount}</div>;

Parsing the Subscription Bundle

The callback receives a Bundle which contains a SubscriptionStatus as its first entry (bundle.entry[0].resource) and the resource for which the Subscription fired for in its second entry (bundle.entry[1].resource):

"id": "90154e8b-e283-4973-a562-1b0e08611260",
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "history",
"timestamp": "2024-10-29T23:52:53.282Z",
"entry": [
// The `SubscriptionStatus` resource, which tells us which `Subscription` this event notification is for
"resource": {
"id": "d5c532d0-cc4c-4c5b-8212-e22dcea22c73",
"resourceType": "SubscriptionStatus",
"status": "active",
"type": "event-notification",
"subscription": {
"reference": "Subscription/90ab8fc7-d8cf-447b-9451-9259846f71e4" // Here is the Subscription reference
"notificationEvent": [
"eventNumber": "0",
"timestamp": "2024-10-29T23:52:53.282Z",
"focus": {
"reference": "Communication/54d902bb-a8e6-4f60-a671-64591169aa5b" // Here is a reference to the resource below
// The actual `Communication` resource this event fired for
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Communication",
"status": "in-progress",
"payload": [{ "contentString": "Hello, Medplum!" }],
"sent": "2024-10-29T23:52:53.240Z",
"id": "54d902bb-a8e6-4f60-a671-64591169aa5b"
"fullUrl": ""

So you can parse the status and the resource from the Bundle like this:

function handleNotificationBundle(bundle: Bundle): void {
// The first entry is the status, which contains a reference to the `Subscription` this notification is for
const status = bundle.entry?.[0]?.resource as SubscriptionStatus;
console.log('Received subscription status: ', status);

// The second entry is the actual resource
const communication = bundle.entry?.[1]?.resource as Communication;
console.log('Received communication: ', communication);

Dynamic Criteria

Changing the criteria string will automatically decrease the reference count for the current Subscription resource and create a new Subscription with the new criteria.

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const profile = useMedplumProfile();
const [notificationCount, setNotificationCount] = useState(0);

// We can track the communications for the current user only
const profileStr = useMemo<string>(() => getReferenceString(profile), [profile]);

useSubscription(`Communication?sender=Practitioner/abc-123&recipient=${profileStr}`, (bundle: Bundle) => {
console.log('Received a message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
handleNotificationBundle(bundle); // Do something with the bundle
setNotificationCount((s) => s + 1);

return <div>Notifications received: {notificationCount}</div>;

Temporarily Unsubscribing

In the case of wanting to temporarily unsubscribe from the current criteria until some condition has been met (for example, waiting for a search to return or a profile to refresh), you can pass an empty string as the criteria string and the previous Subscription will be cleaned up without creating a new Subscription until the criteria string has been changed again.

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const profile = useMedplumProfile();
const [notificationCount, setNotificationCount] = useState(0);

// We can track the communications for the current user only
const profileStr = useMemo<string>(() => (profile ? getReferenceString(profile) : ''), [profile]);

// When profileStr is `undefined` we can pass an empty string to temporarily unsubscribe from any criteria
profileStr ? `Communication?sender=Practitioner/abc-123&recipient=${profileStr}` : '',
(bundle: Bundle) => {
console.log('Received a message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
handleNotificationBundle(bundle); // Do something with the bundle
setNotificationCount((s) => s + 1);

return <div>Notifications received: {notificationCount}</div>;

Usage within an Expo app

Usage within Expo / React Native has some special considerations. See: @medplum/expo-polyfills README


Subscription Extensions

Any Subscription extension supported by Medplum can be attached to a Subscription created by the useSubscription hook via a 3rd optional parameter to the hook, options, which takes an optional subscriptionProps.

type UseSubscriptionOptions = {
subscriptionProps?: Partial<Subscription>;

Here's how you would subscribe to only create interactions for a criteria:

const createOnlyOptions = {
subscriptionProps: {
extension: [
url: '',
valueCode: 'create',

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const [createCount, setCreateCount] = useState(0);

(_bundle) => {
console.log('Received a new message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
setCreateCount((s) => s + 1);

return <div>Create notifications received: {createCount}</div>;

Subscriptions with the same criteria are tracked separately if they have differing subscriptionProps. This means you can create one Subscription to listen for create interactions and another for update interactions and they will not interfere with each other.

const createOnlyOptions = {
subscriptionProps: {
extension: [
url: '',
valueCode: 'create',

const updateOnlyOptions = {
subscriptionProps: {
extension: [
url: '',
valueCode: 'update',

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const [createCount, setCreateCount] = useState(0);
const [updateCount, setUpdateCount] = useState(0);

(_bundle) => {
console.log('Received a new message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
setCreateCount((s) => s + 1);

(_bundle) => {
console.log('Received an update to message from Practitioner/abc-123!');
setUpdateCount((s) => s + 1);

return (
<div>Create notifications received: {createCount}</div>
<div>Update notifications received: {updateCount}</div>


Error: WebSocket subscriptions not enabled for current project

Currently the WebSocket Subscription feature which is required to use the useSubscription hook is behind a feature flag. Locally, you can enable this feature flag by logging in as a super admin and enabling the websocket-subscriptions feature on your Project resource from @medplum/app.

To get this feature enabled for your project on hosted Medplum (, send an email to