Building Migration Pipelines
When migrating data to Medplum, it's crucial to build efficient and reliable data pipelines. This section covers key strategies and best practices for constructing pipelines to migration data into Medplum.
Using Conditional Updates for Idempotency
Conditional updates are essential to create idempotent migration pipelines. This means you can run your migration multiple times without creating duplicate data.
To perform a conditional update, use a PUT
operation with a search query in the URL:
- TypeScript
- cURL
const patientData: Patient = {
resourceType: 'Patient',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'P001',
name: [
given: ['John'],
family: 'Doe',
birthDate: '1980-07-15',
gender: 'male',
await medplum.upsertResource(patientData, {
identifier: '|P001',
curl -X PUT "|P001" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-d '{
"resourceType": "Patient",
"identifier": [
"system": "",
"value": "P001"
"name": [
"given": ["John"],
"family": "Doe"
"birthDate": "1980-07-15",
"gender": "male"
medplum put "Patient?identifier=|P001" \
"resourceType": "Patient",
"identifier": [
"system": "",
"value": "P001"
"name": [
"given": ["John"],
"family": "Doe"
"birthDate": "1980-07-15",
"gender": "male"
The semantics of this operation are:
- If 0 resources are found matching the search query, a new resource is created.
- If 1 resource is found, it is updated with the provided data.
- If more than 1 resource is found, an error is returned.
This approach ensures that your operation is idempotent and can be safely repeated.
You can read more about Conditional Updates here.
Using Batches Requests for Efficiency
You can use FHIR batch request allow you to combine multiple operations into a single API call, improving efficiency.
Batch requests are a great option to improve throughput when performing multiple independent operations, each of which can succeed or fail independently.
Example: Writing Multiple Patient Resources
Here's an example of using a batch to create multiple Patient
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'batch',
entry: [
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'P001',
name: [
given: ['John'],
family: 'Doe',
birthDate: '1980-07-15',
gender: 'male',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Patient?identifier=|P002',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'P002',
name: [
given: ['Jane'],
family: 'Smith',
birthDate: '1992-11-30',
gender: 'female',
// Additional Patients...
This batch operation creates (or updates) two Patient
resources in a single API call, using conditional updates for each entry to avoid data duplication.
Using Transactions for Data Integrity
FHIR Transactions ensure that a set of resources are written together or fail together, maintaining data integrity. However, transactions are generally slower and are capped at 20 resources per transaction.
Example: Encounter with Clinical Impression
Here's an example of using a transaction to create an Encounter
and associated ClinicalImpression
(i.e. clinical notes) together. We use a transaction because the failure of one operation should invalidate the entire transaction.
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'transaction',
entry: [
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:ddc3e8de-da12-42ad-831e-f659ef5af8f1',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Encounter?identifier=|E001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Encounter',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'E001',
status: 'finished',
class: {
system: '',
code: 'AMB',
display: 'ambulatory',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
period: {
start: '2023-06-15T09:00:00Z',
end: '2023-06-15T09:30:00Z',
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:fd801e1f-0788-4920-9609-33ed84c7b39b',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'ClinicalImpression?encounter=Encounter?identifier=|E001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'ClinicalImpression',
status: 'completed',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
encounter: {
reference: 'urn:uuid:ddc3e8de-da12-42ad-831e-f659ef5af8f1',
effectiveDateTime: '2023-06-15T09:30:00Z',
summary: 'Patient presented with mild flu-like symptoms. Recommended rest and fluids.',
In this transaction, both the Encounter and ClinicalImpression are created together. If either fails, the entire transaction is rolled back.
Combining Batches and Transactions
For large-scale migrations, you can combine batches and transactions to balance performance and data integrity. Create batches of smaller transactions to avoid the performance hit of very large transactions while still maintaining atomicity for related resources.
An End-to-End Example
Let's demonstrate a complete data pipeline that incorporates all the concepts we've discussed. We'll migrate patients, conditions, encounters, and clinical impressions in separate steps.
Source Data
Patients Table
| patient_id | first_name | last_name | birth_date | gender |
| ---------- | ---------- | --------- | ---------- | ------ |
| P001 | John | Doe | 1980-07-15 | M |
| P002 | Jane | Smith | 1992-11-30 | F |
Conditions Table
| condition_id | condition_name | icd10_code |
| ------------ | -------------- | ---------- |
| HT001 | Hypertension | I10 |
| DM002 | Diabetes | E11 |
Patient_Conditions Table:
| patient_condition_id | patient_id | condition_id | onset_date |
| -------------------- | ---------- | ------------ | ---------- |
| PC001 | P001 | HT001 | 2022-03-15 |
| PC002 | P001 | DM002 | 2023-01-10 |
| PC003 | P002 | HT001 | 2023-02-22 |
Encounters Table:
| encounter_id | patient_id | date | type |
| ------------ | ---------- | ---------- | --------- |
| E001 | P001 | 2023-06-15 | checkup |
| E002 | P002 | 2023-06-16 | emergency |
Step 1: Create Patients
Use a batch request to upload Patients
independently, using the primary key from the source system as the identifier.
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'batch',
entry: [
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'P001',
name: [
given: ['John'],
family: 'Doe',
birthDate: '1980-07-15',
gender: 'male',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Patient?identifier=|P002',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'P002',
name: [
given: ['Jane'],
family: 'Smith',
birthDate: '1992-11-30',
gender: 'female',
// Additional Patients...
Step 2: Create Conditions
Use a batch request to upload Conditions
independently, using conditional references to link to the existing patients.
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'batch',
entry: [
/* -- Patient 1 -- */
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Condition?identifier=|PC001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Condition',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'PC001',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
code: {
coding: [
system: '',
code: 'HT001',
display: 'Hypertension',
system: '',
code: 'I10',
display: 'Essential (primary) hypertension',
text: 'Hypertension',
onsetDateTime: '2022-03-15',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Condition?identifier=|PC002',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Condition',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'PC002',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
code: {
coding: [
system: '',
code: 'DM002',
display: 'Diabetes',
system: '',
code: 'E11',
display: 'Type 2 diabetes mellitus',
text: 'Diabetes',
onsetDateTime: '2023-01-10',
/* -- Patient 2 -- */
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Condition?identifier=|PC003',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Condition',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'PC003',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P002',
code: {
coding: [
system: '',
code: 'HT001',
display: 'Hypertension',
system: '',
code: 'I10',
display: 'Essential (primary) hypertension',
text: 'Hypertension',
onsetDateTime: '2023-02-22',
// Additional Conditions...
Step 3: Create Encounters and ClinicalImpressions
Here, we use a batch request, where each entry is a two-operation transaction to create the Encounter
and dependent ClinicalImpression
(i.e. note).
resourceType: 'Bundle',
// The overall request is a batch request
type: 'batch',
entry: [
// Each entry is a in the batch is a transaction
/* -- Transaction 1 -- */
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: '/',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'transaction',
entry: [
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:fd801e1f-0788-4920-9609-33ed84c7b39b',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Encounter?identifier=|E001',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Encounter',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'E001',
status: 'finished',
class: {
system: '',
code: 'AMB',
display: 'ambulatory',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
period: {
start: '2023-06-15T00:00:00Z',
type: [
coding: [
system: '',
code: 'checkup',
display: 'Check-up',
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:afb1dbb9-3801-4411-9a0b-75672742b0d4',
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: 'ClinicalImpression',
resource: {
resourceType: 'ClinicalImpression',
status: 'completed',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P001',
encounter: {
reference: 'urn:uuid:fd801e1f-0788-4920-9609-33ed84c7b39b',
effectiveDateTime: '2023-06-15T00:00:00Z',
"Routine check-up. Patient's hypertension is well-controlled. Diabetes management plan reviewed.",
/* -- Transaction 2 -- */
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: '/',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Bundle',
type: 'transaction',
entry: [
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:309daee6-3512-4c38-9b96-a5243716dec1',
request: {
method: 'PUT',
url: 'Encounter?identifier=|E002',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Encounter',
identifier: [
system: '',
value: 'E002',
status: 'finished',
class: {
system: '',
code: 'EMER',
display: 'emergency',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P002',
period: {
start: '2023-06-16T00:00:00Z',
type: [
coding: [
system: '',
code: 'emergency',
display: 'Emergency',
fullUrl: 'urn:uuid:d9491f52-15a1-4ae6-9ee1-b0a91421fe17',
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: 'ClinicalImpression',
resource: {
resourceType: 'ClinicalImpression',
status: 'completed',
subject: {
reference: 'Patient?identifier=|P002',
encounter: {
reference: 'urn:uuid:309daee6-3512-4c38-9b96-a5243716dec1',
effectiveDateTime: '2023-06-16T00:00:00Z',
"Emergency visit due to severe headache. Patient's hypertension may need adjustment. Further tests ordered.",
This example demonstrates:
- Using separate batch requests for different resource types (
). - Employing conditional updates for idempotency.
- Using conditional references to link
. - Creating a batch of transactions to ensure
are created together. - Using
references within transactions to link newly created resources. - Maintaining relationships between resources across different requests using conditional references.
This approach allows for efficient bulk operations while ensuring data integrity for related resources. It also demonstrates how to handle different types of relationships and references in a complex data migration scenario.
In the next guide, we'll talk about best practices for adopting Medplum in end user workflows.