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Access Policies


This document describes the core concepts of Medplum Access Controls. Security and access controls are notoriously difficult. Complex business and regulatory requirements often lead to a mess of incomprehensible rules. Medplum strives to create a simple and understandable model, which is flexible enough to handle all unique security needs.

Core Model

All resources exist within a "Project". A project is a top-level container. In general, each healthcare organization will have one project for all of their resources.

Every user account can have one or more "Project Memberships". A project membership represents access to resources within a project. The user can either be granted access to all resources within the project, or limited access to a set of compartments.

Access Policies

Users within a Project can be assigned Access Policies. Access Policies are an advanced method of restricting access to certain resource types or even certain fields within a resource type.

Access policies allow you to:

  • Block access to any resource type
  • Grant read only access to any resource type
  • Grant read/write access to any resource type
  • Grant read only access to any property
  • Grant read/write access to any property

Access policies also allow you to grant access by "Compartment".


Resource Type

The following access policy grants read/write access to only the "Patient" resource type:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Example",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient"

Criteria-based Access Control

You can narrow the set of resources the user has access to by using the criteria field. The following policy uses a FHIR Search Query to grant access only to Patient resources who live in California.

See the Search documentation for more information on the types of filtering available.

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Criteria Based Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"criteria": "Patient?address-state=CA"

While Medplum AccessPolicies use the FHIR search syntax, it does not implement the full search specification. Specifically, the criteria syntax has the following limitations:

Read-only Resource Type

The following access policy grants read-only access to the Patientresource type:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Example",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"readonly": true

Attempting to modify a read-only resource will result in an HTTP result of 403: Forbidden.

Read-only Elements

The following access policy grants read-only access to the and Patient.address elements:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Example",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"readonlyFields": ["name", "address"]

Hidden Elements

The following access policy grants read-only access to the "Patient" resource type, but hides "name" and "address":

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Example",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"hiddenFields": ["name", "address"]

Write Constraints

Constraints on writes to a resource can also be specified using FHIRPath expressions in the AccessPolicy.resource.writeConstraint field. These expressions may contain the special variable %before to refer to the resource as it existed before the write. Any property accesses will by default refer to the resource as it exists with updates applied, but the %after variable is also provided for convenience.


In resource constraints, %before will be undefined, so any expressions that refer to %before must account for this case. To select only updates or only creates, prefix the criteria with %before.exists() implies or %before.exists().not() implies respectively.

For example, an access policy with write constraints could be used to manage state transitions by prohibiting changing the status once a resource is marked as final, and ensure that a subject is set when the resource is finalized:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Write Constraints Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Observation",
"writeConstraint": [
"language": "text/fhirpath",
"expression": "%before.exists() implies %before.status != 'final'"
"language": "text/fhirpath",
"expression": "status = 'final' implies subject.exists()"


All resources can be tagged with one or more "Compartments". A compartment is simply a group of resources. Importantly, compartments are not mutually exclusive. A resource can (and often will) exist in multiple compartments.

For example, consider an "Observation" resource representing a blood pressure measurement. That Observation resource will fall into the following Compartments:

  • "Patient" - for the "subject" of the observation
  • "Practitioner" - for the "performer" of the observation
  • "Encounter" - for the "encounter" of the observation

Resources are automatically assigned to compartments based on rules. Currently, the Medplum server automatically assigns resources to the "Patient" compartment. You can find the full definition of the patient compartment here.

You can use compartments to succinctly create an AccessPolicy for resources related to a single patient.

The AccessPolicy below grants access to all Observation resources that belong to Patient/xyz. The example takes advantage of the _compartment search parameter

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Write Constraints Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Observation",
"criteria": "Observation?_compartment=Patient/xyz"

Parameterized Policies

For more advanced access control configurations, You can use % variables to parameterize the access policy.

Medplum provides the following built-in variables:

%profileReference to the current user's profile resource (e.g., Practitioner/123 or Patient/123)
%profile.idThe ID portion of the user's profile resource (e.g., 123)

Example: General Practitioner Access Policy

The following access policy grants access to all Patient resources where the current user (a Practitioner) is listed as the general practitioner:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "GP Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"criteria": "Patient?general-practitioner=%profile"

You can also set custom variables for access policies on the user's ProjectMembership resource. This policy then acts like a template, that can be instantiated, potentially multiple times, with different values for each variable.

Example: Custom Access Policy Variables

In this example, the user with the parameterized policy shown above will only have access to Patient and DiagnosticReport resources, filtered by the relevant organizations.

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"id": "123",
"name": "Parameterized Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"criteria": "Patient?organization=%provider_organization"
"resourceType": "DiagnosticReport",
"criteria": "DiagnosticReport?performer=%provider_organization"

We can set these variables on the user's ProjectMembership resource, as follows

"resourceType": "ProjectMembership",
"access": [
// Provide access to Patients and Diagnostic Reports in Organization/abc
"policy": { "reference": "AccessPolicy/123" },
"parameter": [
"name": "provider_organization",
"valueReference": { "reference": "Organization/abc" }
// Provide access to Patients and Diagnostic Reports in Organization/def
"policy": { "reference": "AccessPolicy/123" },
"parameter": [
"name": "provider_organization",
"valueReference": { "reference": "Organization/def" }

Some common use cases for parameterized policies include:

  • Granting access to parents of pediatric patients
  • Granting clinicians access to patients in a specific state, based on the clinician's state license

See this video demo for an illustration.

See this Github Discussion for more examples of access scenarios that can be created using these policies.

Example Access Policies

Healthcare Partnerships

A common need is to grant access to a subset of resources for a healthcare partnership. For example, a lab provider may want to grant access to all patient records that originated from a specific client organization.

This can be achieved using Access Policy compartments.

Assume that we have an Organization resource representing the customer:

"resourceType": "Organization",
"name": "Example Customer Organization",
"id": "abc-123"

This access policy grants read-only access to all Patients that are within that customer's "account" compartment:

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Example",
// Any resource created or updated will be tagged with `meta.account` set to `Organization/abc-123`
"compartment": {
"reference": "Organization/abc-123",
"display": "Example Customer Organization"
"resource": [
// Any read or search operation will filter on `meta.account` equals `Organization/abc-123`
"resourceType": "Patient",
"criteria": "Patient?_compartment=Organization/abc-123"
"readonly": true

The meta.account property is not FHIR standard. It is an extra Reference property in the Meta section.

For example, here's how the Patient resource would look:

"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "54aa8595-e3a7-48ae-af91-9c7cb940149b",
"meta": {
"versionId": "02900c57-4da8-498f-85d5-5077077e3e2c",
"lastUpdated": "2022-01-13T16:21:11.870Z",
"account": {
"reference": "Organization/abc-123",
"display": "Example Customer Organization"
"name": [
"given": ["Homer"],
"family": "Simpson"

Because the account-tagging is handled within the resource, project administrators and API users can set the account directly.

Patient Access

If you are building a patient-facing application (such as FooMedical), a common requirement is to restrict each patient's access to only their own data. In this case it is recommended to use templated access policies, that also implement compartments as shown below.

Open Patient Registration

Patient Access is disabled by default. See our article on enabling open patient registration for instructions on enabling this functionality.

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Patient Access Policy Template",
"id": "patient-access-policy-template",
"compartment": {
"reference": "%patient"
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Patient",
"criteria": "Patient?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "Observation",
"criteria": "Observation?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "DiagnosticReport",
"criteria": "DiagnosticReport?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
"criteria": "MedicationRequest?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "Coverage",
"criteria": "Coverage?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "PaymentNotice",
"criteria": "PaymentNotice?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "CarePlan",
"criteria": "CarePlan?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "Immunization",
"criteria": "Immunization?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "Communication",
"criteria": "Communication?_compartment=%patient"
"resourceType": "Organization",
"readonly": true
"resourceType": "Practitioner",
"readonly": true
"resourceType": "Schedule",
"readonly": true
"resourceType": "Slot",
"readonly": true
"resourceType": "Binary"

You can configure your project to support open registration for patients, therefore it is crucial that you setup a Default Access Policy similar to the one above.

Caregiver Access

The patient access policy above can be combined with policy parameterization to create an policy that allows caregivers to access data on behalf of patients (e.g parents on behalf of children.

"resourceType": "ProjectMembership",
"access": [
// Provide access to Patients and Diagnostic Reports in Organization/abc
"policy": { "reference": "AccessPolicy/patient-access-policy-template" },
"parameter": [
"name": "patient",
"valueReference": { "reference": "Patient/xyz" }
// Provide access to Patients and Diagnostic Reports in Organization/def
"policy": { "reference": "AccessPolicy/patient-access-policy-template" },
"parameter": [
"name": "patient",
"valueReference": { "reference": "Patient/uvw" }