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Medplum at HIMSS 2023

· One min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

Medplum will be at HIMSS on April 17-19, 2023 participating in the HIMSS23 Cancer Care: Treating the Whole Person Demonstration hosted by the CDC in McCormick Place, North Building Hall B, Booth 7649.


· 2 min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team
Update: January 2024

In January 2024, the United States Regulators Steering Committee (USRSC) made a significant decision regarding the future of FHIR implementation in the U.S. They announced that the next version of US Core will be based on FHIR R6, effectively signaling a strategic move to bypass R5.

As a result, Medplum's R5 development efforts are currently paused. We remain focused on aligning with US Core and USCDI, which are built on FHIR R4, and will continue to monitor the progress of FHIR R6.

We are excited to hear about the release of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources FHIR R5, the latest version of the healthcare data interoperability standard. This new version builds on the previous versions of FHIR and incorporates new features and improvements to further support healthcare data exchange and interoperability.

Patient Deduplication

· 2 min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

Patient deduplication is a tough problem, and there are many approaches to implementing a deduplication program. We provide this guide and sample code as a resource to teams who want to run a continuous deduplication program that is powered by automation and highly auditable.

Task Management Apps

· 3 min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

Great workflow apps are core for us at Medplum, and we provide tools to build highly ergonomic asynchronous task tracking systems providers. Some examples of task management apps in the medical context are apps that:

  • Review and approve lab reports
  • Approve or reject medication refill requests
  • Instantiate custom care plans for a patient