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Supporting Stanford Biodesign OpenCareHub

· One min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

Medplum is a community, and advocacy for standards and open source implementations are core to our mission. I’m writing today to share Medplum’s support for Stanford Biodesign OpenCareHub’s proposal for ARPA-H PARADIGM.

There are three things that make this proposal noteworthy.

  • ARPA-H PARADIGM is a government initiative, whose mission to improve access to healthcare in rural communities
  • OpenCareHub will open source their implementation
  • The initiative is led by an interdisciplinary (clinical/technical) team out of Stanford Biodesign, Dr. Oliver Aalami and Dr. Paul Schmiedmayer

We would like to encourage those in the Medplum community to reach out if you need a letter of support for your engagement with government agencies like ARPA-H, NIH, CMS, FDA and more. Contact us at

We wrote a letter of support for the OpenCareHub team. Good luck!

OpenCareHub Letter