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Devtools for Life Sciences

· 3 min read
Reshma Khilnani
Medplum Core Team

On January 15, 2025 Medplum & Flexpa held a JPMorgan companion event for the community. During the event, there were demos of many different open source tools that aid in development for life science workflows.

The biopharmaceutical product lifecycle is full of repetitive workflows, many of which are supported by custom software. Open source is a natural solution for these workflows, and we have prepared this list of resources and demo videos showcased at the event for reference.

Resource List

Biopharmaceutical product lifecycle

ConsentsFlexpaPre-clinical & Clinical DevelopmentAllow patients to consent to retrieving records from their insurance carrier
ScreeningFHIR questionnaire COAPre-clinical & Clinical & CommercialUse FHIR questionnaires in an EHR or clinical tool
Records gatheringEPIC patient access APIPreclinical & Clinical developmentAllow patients to sync their records from EHR
ValidationNIH FHIR LibraryPre-clinical & clinicalGet publicly available LOINCed assessments such as the PHQ-9 and others as FHIR from NIH
ConsentsFHIR Consent ModelPre-clinical Clinical and CommercialStore and manage consents in FHIR
Records gatheringFHIR to OMOPPreclinicalThe FHIR to OMOP Implementation Guide helps map FHIR resources to OMOP data model, used by several academic medical institutions
Records GatheringUS Core Patient IntakeClinical DevelopmentCapture data in accordance with US Core


Gathering Standards Compliant Data

Gathering US Core compliant FHIR data, as well as data tagged with common ontologies such as LOINC, SNOMED, RxNorm and MedDRA is useful study data capture. In this this intake demo a Google Forms for FHIR-like workflow is used to generate those high fidelity datasets.

Read Patient Consented Data from EPIC

EPIC supports gathering patient data with the patient's consent. Here is a video demonstration of reading from the datastore.

NIH Forms Library

The NIH provides a free forms library, these are tagged with standard ontologies. This video shows how to use it, and refers to the questionnaire tutorial.

This demo shows embedded FHIR questionnaires in a patient-facing application, enabling standard data capture. The sample application shown here is Foomedical, the source code for which can be found on Github.

Flexpa: Consents and Claims Data Access

This Flexpa demo shows the process of adding Flexpa data to your application.

This demo shows the Medplum/Flexpa integration to load consented patient data into the datastore for use in research or other workflows.