Talks & Podcasts with the Medplum Team
On occasion, the Medplum team gives talks about our community, product and philosophy. You can find them here:
Omar Mousa and Angela Suthrave interview Reshma Khilnani about the Medplum approach and product on the Concept to Care Podcast.
Katie Sanders interviews Reshma Khilnani about open source mom life on The CTO Club.
Sam Taggart interviews Cody Ebberson about software for regulated industries on Software Engineering Radio.
Zain Syed interviews Reshma Khilnani on Digital Thoughts Podcast about devtools and open source.
Amanda Razani interviews Reshma Khilnani on Healthcare Transformation for Digital CxO magazine.
Sidharth Ramesh interviews Reshma Khilnani on custom EHRs on the Digital Health Hackers Podcast.
Emily Omier interviews Reshma Khilnani on open source business models on Business of Open Source Podcast.
A summary of Reshma Khilnani's talk on engineering in regulated industries on Built In.
Omar Mousa and Angela Suthrave and Brendan Keeler discuss Medplum on Concept to Care podcast.
Digital CxO Magazine summarizes Reshma Khilnani's talk From Fintech to Healthtech: Navigating Digital Transformation.
Rahul Agarwal and Daren Deavett do Q&A on Medplum on Daren Deavett's FHIR Blog.
Danielle Poreh interviews Rahul Agarwal on Ops I did it again podcast.
Ioannis Florokapis interviews Cody Ebberson on Algora TV Open Source Interviews.
MITRE Open Health Solutions hosts Reshma Khilnani for a Medplum overview.
Alex Goel and Reshma Khilnani host a talk on Building Your own Integrations with Open Source.
Healthcare Devtools Panel with Cody Ebberson, Aaron Neiderheiser and Josh Kelly.